Thoughts on poems: Lorca

Lorca on a patio in Alhambra, Spain, 1922.

CREDIT: from PICRYL | Source: Colección Fundación Federico García Lorca.

Cortaron Tres Árboles 

(From 46 poemas, Federico Garcia Lorca, Plaza & Janes Editores S.A. 1998, p. 81)

Eran tres.

(Vino el día con sus hachas.)

Eran dos.

(Alas rastreras de plata.)

Era uno.

Era ninguno.

(Se quedó desnuda el agua.)

This poem contains seven lines counting down to nothingness. Simple and bare as the water it speaks of: Se quedó desnuda el agua.

Abril Warner

Abril P. Warner was born in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. She received her BFA from the University of Missouri- St. Louis with a concentration in painting with theological and metaphysical content. Abril Warner earned her MFA in painting from the Academy of Art University – San Francisco where she continued her theological examination through painting. She uses abstraction as a tool for communicating the intangible, such as emotions and spirituality. Warner currently resides in Missouri where she is an art educator and mentor in higher education.


Day of the Dead